New report by IDG and Google

New Report
Discover how senior IT leaders have changed their priorities and learn the newest trends, statistics, and insights broken down by region and industry. more ...

Generate more foot traffic by using Google Directions API

Screenshot Google Maps
Google Direction API is a powerful tool to keep visitors on your website instead of directing them to third party applications like Google Search or Consumer Maps. Integrating Directions will increase average duration visitors will spend on your website and decrease bounce rates. more ...

We are hiring!

We are looking for a motivated, high-performing Account Manager. Be part of a growing and multicultural company in the heart of Munich. more ...

How to show Pins on a Map

Google Maps offers different ways of showing pins on a map. How you implement the pins can make a huge difference in the usability of your application. Find out how you can optimize your website using your browser Autolocate function, Google Maps Autocomplete and the right map zoom level to optimize your website. more ...